Meet James David Gailliard
Pastor James David Gailliard is a Non-Profit Executive and Public Policy Architect.
He is the organizing and Senior Pastor of Word Tabernacle Church located in Rocky Mount, North Carolina.
Under his leadership the church has grown from a church plant of 14 people to a mega-church serving
thousands of families within 35 North Carolina counties, 17 states including Virginia, New York, and Alaska,
as well as internationally including Singapore, India, the United Kingdom, and Nigeria. Word Tabernacle was named amongst the 100 fastest growing churches in America. Word Tabernacle church is housed in a former 110,000 sq. ft Home Depot, making it the state’s largest building re-use project of its type.

At Impact Consultants, we help organizations increase their impact. We recognize the value of cross sector collaboration as a way to result in systematic change.
We work with new and experienced organizations that are eager make a difference. Our clients include corporations, churches, charities, foundations, government agencies, and individuals with ambitious goals.
Through consulting that is grounded in best practice and creative thinking, Impact Consultants helps organizations of all types be innovative, proactive, and strategic in their efforts to support sustained social impact.
About Impact Consultants


"I'm committed to helping people and places thrive."